Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc.’s Human Rights Commitment Statement
Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc. is aware of the complex responsibilities that come with performing international trade in an ethically and socially responsible way. Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc. categorically rejects and does not accept any form of violation of human rights as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the U.S.A federal crime of forced labor in Title 18, Section 1589(a), 1589(b) and 1593A of the U.S. Code and the associated jurisdiction conferred in Title 18, Section 1596. Axel Plastics Research, Inc. fully supports the provisions set out in the “The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Transparency in Supply Chains) Regulations 2015” of the UK. We are not only committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our own corporate activities but also require all our business partners to not undertake any violation of an individual´s human rights. If we become aware of any violations, we will re-evaluate the business relationship, considering a contract termination in alignment with customer requirements.
Dedicated training on the requirements concerning purchasing activities is obligatory for selected, relevant employees. With a clear focus on our suppliers, a globally applying Supplier Code of Conduct was introduced in 2021. It clearly states Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc.’s expectations towards its suppliers’ behavior. It requires, amongst other topics, to adhere to the following principles:
- Observance of and respect for human rights
- Exclusion of forced or compulsory labor
- Prohibition of child labor
It is a necessary requirement for our preferred suppliers and all onboarding suppliers to have signed our Supplier Code of Conduct. Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc. commits to actively communicate its policies towards its employees and external stakeholders.
We are constantly reviewing the effectiveness of our efforts in preventing any violations with regard to our defined requirements. Regarding the usage of “3TG raw materials” (tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, which bear the risk of being sourced in the Democratic Republic of Congo under severe human rights violations), Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc. excludes these minerals from its supply chains as far as possible. This constitutes Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc.’s “Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement” for the financial year ending December 31, 2021. It has been approved by the President and CEO of Axel Plastics Research Laboratories, Inc. and will be reviewed and updated annually.